Saturday, March 17, 2012

Beauty Stomach.

    1. 1
    2. Eat healthier and cut down junk food, such as replacing potato chips and chocolates with fruits. You'll see a world of difference.
    3. 2
      Eat lots of lean protein (like beans and nuts - have some meat, it is rather good for you as long as you do not eat the fat!), fruits and dark vegetables, and whole grain breads and grains. If you eat "whole wheat" it's like the same as eating white bread; except with white bread all the good fibers have been stripped away. These "whole grains" keep you fuller longer than white breads like cakes, cookies, and sweets. Also, stay away from high-fat dairy products (low-fat dairy products are a great source of protein and vitamin B6).
    4. 3
    Eat smaller meals a day
    . To get a flat stomach you should eat many small meals throughout the day. Eat just enough until you feel full; don't overeat! Wait until you feel hungry again and eat a little more. Focus on only eating healthy food items, and do not eat any sugar; it will only make you feel tired and will cause you to crave more - a vicious cycle!
  1. 4
    Eat food raw. This is to avoid the loss of enzymes that result from cooking food, which also decreases its nutritional value. Raw food, unlike cooked and processed foods, takes longer to digest so you feel full longer. Your body will slowly absorb the nutrients so you'll avoid any spikes or drops in your blood sugar until your next meal. Some of the best raw foods are:
    • Cabbage
    • Carrots
    • Cauliflower
    • Celery
    • Cucumbers
    • Zucchini
    • Dark leaf lettuce
    • Onions
    • Pears
    • Tomatoes
    • Watercress
    • Broccoli
    • Bananas
    • Apples
    • Berries
  2. 5
    Make sure you don't eat anything 2 hours before you sleep. Your body slows down when you sleep so you can't digest food properly. And if you go to bed really late, don't eat past 9:30 pm, because foods eaten late are normally stored as fat.
  3. 6
    Drink plenty of water. You should replace it with all your regular beverages, especially soda and sugared drinks. Water will make it easier to lose weight. Consider flavored water as an alternative if you must. Drinking lemon water is said to be a natural way of speeding up your metabolism as well. Warning: Drinking fruit juice may seem healthy but it usually contains just as much sugar as fizzy drinks. If you like juice, try making it yourself.
    • Your urine should be a light yellow color; dark yellow with an odor could be a sign that you are dehydrated.


  1. 1
    Do aerobic exercises daily at 30 minutes minimum and include 1-2 days of rest break each week. Anything that brings your heart rate up. Take up dancingrunning, tae-bo, swimming,cycling and walking at a good pace.
  2. 2
    To better work the entire abdominal region, vary your exercises: Crunches work the upper abdomen, leg raises work the lower abdomen, side bends work the obliques (also known as love handles). About 15 - 25 reps should be enough a day for certain excersizes (but if you can do more than that, try adding a weight to your feet for the leg lifts). Sure, you can do 100 daily crunches. But if you've got a layer of fat covering up your ab work then what's the point? You need to burn the top layer of stomach fat to see the changes- Try the plyometics and cardio exercises in the section below.
  3. 3
    Do cardio exercise. Cardio exercises are best as they will heat up your core temperature and improve circulation, both of which will aid you in acquiring a flat stomach. You should aim for interval cardio training, such as alternating between sprinting and power walking. You can try sprinting for as long as you can. When you become too tired, you should walk. When you feel that you've caught your breath, sprint again. Do these alterations for a total of 20 minutes at a time.
  4. 4
    Include plyometrics. Plyometrics are exercises that require explosive power. They are not just cardio, but strength training as well. Some great plyometric exercises you can do at home include:
    • Modified jumping jacks. Start standing, then jump up with hands and feet spread apart, creating an "X" in the air with your body, then land back in standing. Repeat as many times as you can.
    • Squat-Thrust-Push-ups. Start in push-up position, do one push-up,then push off with your feet and pull your knees up to your chest so your feet land between your hands(still on the ground in push-up position), then jump as high as you can, arms over head. Then squat back down with your hands on the floor, then jump back to push up position again. Repeat; do as many as you can do well with good form.
    • Cartwheels. If you don't already know how to do them, once you learn, you can do multiple cartwheels in a row. The quicker you do them the greater the plyo benefit.
  5. 5
    Strength training. This will improve your muscular tone as well as increase your metabolism so you'll burn calories faster over time. Best strength training exercises (that don't require a gym or weights) include:
    • Push-ups
    • Pull-ups (You can do these in a park hanging from the branch of a large tree)
    • Squats
    • Lunges
    • Yoga arm balances
    • Handstands (these take a lot of strength when repeated over and over)
  6. 6
    Consider some form of anaerobic exercise as well. Some simple resistance training or light weight lifting will not only help you burn fat more efficiently but tone up the rest of your body as well.
  7. 7
    Raising your metabolic rate is crucial. The higher your metabolic rate, the more energy (and thus fat) you'll burn even when you aren't doing anything. Try compound exercises like deadlifts with heavier weights. See "How to Do a Deadlift" for more information.
    • To increase your metabolic rate, increase the frequency of your meals to 6-8 times a day. Every 2 to 3 hours, ingest a small meal. This increased frequency will put your metabolisim into overdrive. Do not overeat. For greatest effect, only eat carbohydrates before 2:00 p.m, from then on only proteins.
  8. Article source : how to get flat stomach.

Solution For Head Lice.

When it comes to treating head lice, some people swear by chemical treatments and other people highly prefer using home remedies lice treatments.
Home remedies for head lice are most of the time grandma’s recipes, but most of them are proven solutions, sometimes even scientifically. Home remedies have one thing in common: they are natural and will fight both head lice and their eggs.
There are organic shampoos that respect your hair, but when you are treating head lice, repeated shampoos during several months will tend to damage the scalp. Then, most of these shampoos are effective against live lice but not against the eggs they lay.
If you are looking for an alternative to using an OTC lice shampoo on your child’s head, the simplest home remedy would be to just comb his hair or pick the lice and nits out using a lice comb or tweezers. This would have to be done over several days and would thus be very time consuming. But there are good alternatives.
Basically it is important to understand that if you want to be successful in your battle against lice, you’ll need to find the right home remedies for getting rid of head lice and the right home remedies for getting rid of nitsThe same remedy will not always work for both head lice and their eggs at the same time.

ome remedies for getting rid of head lice

In order to kill adult head lice, you can use home remedies that contain oil. This can beolive oil, essential oils, or other oily substances such as mayonnaise.
Why can it work? Because oil has properties such as viscosity that will not let lice breathe, and once coated in oil they will die asphyxiated. Of course, like any other home remedy for head lice, oil will not be 100% effective and there is no guarantee it will work for you, but many people have had good results and it may be worth a try.
What about essential oils on their own?
A few drops of lavender essential oil behind the ears make head lice flee… If this solution can work, be careful to not use it as a real treatment though. Its effectiveness will depend on each child, but also on the degree of the current infestation. There are dozens of formulations based on essential oils of many plants, but in practice the majority of these essential oils are only effective if their application is combined with other substances like olive oil and with adequate combing of the hair. There are some essential oils that are effective on their own, this is the case of tea tree oil, but it should be applied with great care.

Home remedies for getting rid of lice eggs

One of the best ways to kill live lice eggs, also called nits, is to dissolve their shell. They will for sure die if they are no longer protected by their exoskeleton. You can use home remedies that contain acid, such as vinegar or lemon juice.
It is also possible to combine these natural substances, usually olive oil with essentials oils.
The big advantage of these home remedies for head lice is that apart from being natural, they can help prevent head lice, which chemical products cannot do.
Article source : home remedies for head lice

Home Treatment For Gastritis .

Gastritis means “inflammation of the stomach.” In most cases the lining of the stomach, suffer erosion and perforations, sometimes even bleeding. The most common causes of gastritis are alcohol and most pain killers. From aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, to Aleve, and many others cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and this leads to gastritis and ulcers.  
People suffering from stress are also prone to gastritis, surgery, burns, trauma and other serious medical problems increase the chances of developing gastritis. 
The way gastritis attacks the stomach walls is by disrupting the mucosa, name given to the   lining of the stomach. However, other types of gastritis produce inflammation underneath the stomach lining due to bacteria or anemia.  These cases are prone to develop into ulcers.  
Gastritis in most cases is painless, common symptoms are: loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, bloating, and indigestion, some people may experience abdominal pain when eating. 

We recommend: 

Home remedies for Gastritis #1:Eliminate dairy products from your diet until the digestive system is healed. 

Home remedies for Gastritis #2: Drink eight large glasses of water a day. 

Home remedies for Gastritis #3: Take 400 IU a day of vitamin E to reduce inflammation in the stomach.

Home remedies for Gastritis #4: If your gastritis is caused by anemia, take supplemental chlorophyll two capsules three times a day, and follow the recommendations under anemia. 

Home remedies for Gastritis #5:Licorice (DGL) helps heal the gastrointestinal tract chew 300 to 600 mg.  30 minutes before meals.  This herb is also use to treat ulcers.  Licorice is as effective as Tagamet.

Home remedies for Gastritis #6: Take Artichoke if you feel abdominal pain, bloating or to relive vomiting, and nausea.  

Home remedies for Gastritis #7: One of the best herbs for treating gastritis is Ginger it relives almost all symptoms including indigestion and gas, quickly healing stomach and intestinal tissue, reduces  inflammation, and ulcerated linings. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It reduces nausea, stimulates digestion of fats and it’s a natural antibiotic.

Home remedies for Gastritis #8:Goldenseal destroys bacteria that causes gastritis, stomach inflammation and ulcers.

Home remedies for Gastritis #9:Marshmallow relives nausea, indigestion,  gastritis and ulcers.

Home remedies for Gastritis #10:Peppermint contains volatile oils like menthol, relives indigestion, gastritis and stomach ulcers.  

Home remedies for Gastritis #11:Papaya seeds and pineapple aid digestion. It should be eating slightly ripe. Papaya is rich in digestive enzymes. 

Article source : home remedies for gastritis 


Home Treatment For Cough

A cough is not always a medical problem, although coughing can at times indicate the presence of some health condition or infection. Coughing is not really a condition in itself, but is simply a natural reflex to keep the throat and airways clear. When caused by some condition, then coughing is simply one of the many possible symptoms of that condition. At other times a cough may simply develop as a result of irritation to the throat or respiratory passages. Because of the frequency with which we are afflicted with coughs and colds most people prefer using natural methods of treatment to deal with a regular cough. A severe, persistent cough or one that is accompanied by other symptoms should however be examined and investigated by a health care professional. Cough remedies for children, toddlers, babies and infants are particularly popular, because many over the counter drugs can be quite strong and are not ideally suited to frequent administration particularly in children. The same holds true for pregnant women, which is why there is a widespread usage of cough remedies for kids and cough remedies while pregnant for pregnant women.

A cough is not usually a threatening condition and will resolve naturally, but it can be troublesome, particularly when coughing at night keeps you up and prevents you from recuperating. This can lead to fatigue, irritability and exhaustion, serving to further weaken your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to illness. While natural cough remedies may be extremely useful and can greatly help facilitate and hasten healing it should be kept in mind that even the best cough medicine will do no good if you do not take other measures to protect your throat and respiratory system. For example, if you were to try out a variety of sore throat remedies or dry cough remedies for a sore throat or cough, but continued smoking or spending time in an environment with a lot of smoke or pollution, the remedies would be of little effect. Likewise, some amount of caution needs to be exercised in terms of your diet as well.

It should be pointed out that a cough may be productive or dry. A productive cough would be one in which phlegm or sputum is present and such a cough helps to clear mucus from the lungs or respiratory passages. A cough suppressant should therefore never be used on a productive cough. Commonly used cold remedies or runny nose remedies and chest congestion remedies can however offer considerable relief and help clear the passages. In some cases however the cough may be extremely severe and the individual may even experience difficulty breathing, in which case medical attention should be sought immediately. Bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia or a whooping cough are just a few of the possible serious causes of a cough.

The air passages of the lungs are lined with cells secreting mucus, which normally traps particles of dust. When the membranes get infected and inflamed, the secretion of mucus increases and the lining of the air passages is irritated. Coughing is the action by which excess mucus is driven out.

Symptoms of Cough

Person takes a deep breath in

A person who is going to cough first draws a deep breath in. This action causes his glottis to close and his muscles to contract, thus building up pressure in the chest. Then suddenly, the glottis opens, an explosive discharge of air sweeps through the air passages and carries with it the excess secretions or, in some cases, foreign matter, which has irritated the larynx, trachea, or bronchi. 

Causes of Cough

Cough Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet

Inflammation of larynx or pharynx

A cough may be caused by inflammation of the larynx or the pharynx. A cough can develop in the chest due to change in weather or seasonal changes.

Clogging of the bronchial tubes with waste matter

The real cause of this disorder, however, is clogging of the bronchial tubes with waste matter. This is due to wrong feeding habits. The reason for higher incidence of cough during winter than in other seasons is that an average person usually eats more of catarrh-forming foods such as white bread, meat, sugar, porridge, puddings, and pies during the colder months of the year. Being overclothed with heavy undergarments and other garments during this period also prevents proper aeration of the skin.

Cough Home Remedy

Cough home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers

Cough treatment using Grapes

Grapes are one of the most effective home remedies for the treatment of a cough. Grapes tone up the lungs and act as an expectorant, relieving a simple cold and cough in a couple of days. A cup of grape juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey is advised for cough relief.

Cough treatment using Almonds

Almonds are useful for dry coughs. Seven kernels should be soaked in water overnight and the brown skin removed. They should then be ground well to form a fine paste. A quantity of twenty grams each of butter and sugar should then be added to the paste. This paste should be taken in the morning and evening.

Cough treatment using Onion

The use of raw onion is valuable in a cough. This vegetable should be chopped fine and the juice extracted from it. One teaspoon of the juice should then be mixed with one teaspoon of honey and kept for four or five hours-it will make an excellent cough syrup and should be taken twice daily. Onions are also useful in removing phelgm. A medium-sized onion should be crushed, the juice of one lemon added to it, and then one cup of boiling water poured on it. A teaspoon of honey can be added for taste. This remedy should be taken two or three times a day.

Cough treatment using Turmeric

The root of the turmeric plant is useful in a dry cough. The root should he roasted and powdered. This powder should be taken in three gram doses twice daily, in the morning and evening.

Cough treatment using Belleric Myroblan

The herb belleric myroblan is a household remedy for a cough. A mixture comprising two grams of the pulp of the fruit, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of long pepper, and 2 teaspoons of honey should be administered for the treatment of this condition twice daily. The dried fruit covered with wheat flour and roasted , is another popular remedy for cough condition.

Cough treatment using Raisins

A sauce prepared from raisins is also useful in a cough. This sauce is prepared by grinding 100 gm of raisins with water. About 100 gm of sugar should be mixed with it and the mixture heated. When the mixture acquires a sauce-like consistency, it should be preserved. Twenty grams should be taken at bedtime daily.

Cough treatment using Aniseed

Aniseed is another effective remedy for a hard dry cough with difficult expectoration. It breaks up the mucus. A tea made from this spice should be taken regularly for treating this condition.

Dietaries for Cough

Cough : Home Remedies suggested by users

Orange juice and water

In the case of a severe cough, the patient should fast on orange juice and water till the severity is reduced. The procedure is to take the juice of an orange diluted in a cup of warm water, every two hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

All-fruit diet

After the juice fast, the patient should adopt an all-fruit diet for two or three days. In case of a mild cough, the patient can begin with an all-fruit diet for five to seven days, taking three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, grape-fruit, oranges, pineapples, peaches, and melons. For drinks, unsweetened lemon water, or cold or hot plain water may be given.

Well-balanced diet with emphasis on wholegrain cereals, lightly cooked vegetables

After the all-fruit diet, the patient should follow a well-balanced diet, with emphasis on wholegrain cereals, raw or lightly cooked vegetables, and fresh fruits.

Avoid tea, coffee, refined and processed foods

The patient should avoid meats, sugar, tea, coffee, condiments, pickles, refined and processed foods. He should also avoid soft drinks, candies, ice-cream, and all products made from sugar and while flour.

Article source : home remedies for cough 

Solution For Dark Lip

Long-term use of lipsticks — especially lower-quality lip colors — can permanently darken lips over time, due to the harsh chemicals in the cosmetics. But there are some things you can do yourself to help lighten dark lips and remove some of the staining that the makeup can cause.
Stop using the products. If you continue using the lipsticks that caused the problem in the first place, you’ll only make the darkening worse.
Try lime and honey. A mixture of lime juice, honey, and glycerine, applied regularly, could help lighten dark lips. You’ll need to apply it every day for several weeks before you see any positive effects.
Consider almonds, butter, and milk. After you wash your lips, apply almond milk, almond oil, or cream made from milk, and let it stay on your lips for at least one hour. Continue using this treatment daily for several weeks to lighten your lips.
Experiment with other natural ingredients. Some experts suggest beetroot, pomegranate, or coriander juice to lighten lips. To make coriander juice, grind up some coriander leaves in a blender.
Moisturize your lips. Keeping your lips moisturized can help make them appear lighter. You can try natural lip softeners like clarified butter or over-the-counter products like Vaseline to help condition your lips and lighten them. Apply either of these to your lips at night and as needed during the day to help moisturize and protect them.
Use lemons. Lemon juice is well known for its skin-lightening abilities. You can make a paste of equal parts lemon juice, graham flour, yogurt, and honey, and rub it onto your lips. Leave the paste on your lips for a half hour, then wash it off.
Keep your lips covered. Use sunscreen to protect your lips — the sun can increase the amount of pigment in your lips, making them even darker.
Limit your exposure to other potential skin darkeners. Cigarettes, coffee, and tea do more than stain teeth — they can also darken lips. Give your lips a break from these potential stainers.
Consult a doctor. If these home remedies don’t solve the problem, make an appointment with your dermatologist or doctor. He or she can prescribe an intensive lightening cream or another treatment to help lighten your dark lips and bring them back to a more natural color.

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