Saturday, March 17, 2012

Home Treatment For Gastritis .

Gastritis means “inflammation of the stomach.” In most cases the lining of the stomach, suffer erosion and perforations, sometimes even bleeding. The most common causes of gastritis are alcohol and most pain killers. From aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, to Aleve, and many others cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and this leads to gastritis and ulcers.  
People suffering from stress are also prone to gastritis, surgery, burns, trauma and other serious medical problems increase the chances of developing gastritis. 
The way gastritis attacks the stomach walls is by disrupting the mucosa, name given to the   lining of the stomach. However, other types of gastritis produce inflammation underneath the stomach lining due to bacteria or anemia.  These cases are prone to develop into ulcers.  
Gastritis in most cases is painless, common symptoms are: loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, bloating, and indigestion, some people may experience abdominal pain when eating. 

We recommend: 

Home remedies for Gastritis #1:Eliminate dairy products from your diet until the digestive system is healed. 

Home remedies for Gastritis #2: Drink eight large glasses of water a day. 

Home remedies for Gastritis #3: Take 400 IU a day of vitamin E to reduce inflammation in the stomach.

Home remedies for Gastritis #4: If your gastritis is caused by anemia, take supplemental chlorophyll two capsules three times a day, and follow the recommendations under anemia. 

Home remedies for Gastritis #5:Licorice (DGL) helps heal the gastrointestinal tract chew 300 to 600 mg.  30 minutes before meals.  This herb is also use to treat ulcers.  Licorice is as effective as Tagamet.

Home remedies for Gastritis #6: Take Artichoke if you feel abdominal pain, bloating or to relive vomiting, and nausea.  

Home remedies for Gastritis #7: One of the best herbs for treating gastritis is Ginger it relives almost all symptoms including indigestion and gas, quickly healing stomach and intestinal tissue, reduces  inflammation, and ulcerated linings. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It reduces nausea, stimulates digestion of fats and it’s a natural antibiotic.

Home remedies for Gastritis #8:Goldenseal destroys bacteria that causes gastritis, stomach inflammation and ulcers.

Home remedies for Gastritis #9:Marshmallow relives nausea, indigestion,  gastritis and ulcers.

Home remedies for Gastritis #10:Peppermint contains volatile oils like menthol, relives indigestion, gastritis and stomach ulcers.  

Home remedies for Gastritis #11:Papaya seeds and pineapple aid digestion. It should be eating slightly ripe. Papaya is rich in digestive enzymes. 

Article source : home remedies for gastritis 



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