Monday, March 19, 2012

Benefits Of Morning Walk

Early to bed and early to rise, a phrase which we had been listening and reading since we were kids and it’s not just us who read it rather it is almost everyone of us who must have heard this phrase at one time or the other. Does that matter if we just hear one thing and does not act on that? No; it would not have any effect unless we do what is said.
Have we ever thought of that what does this phrase mean? All those who thought of and all those who act on it can be seen healthy, wealthy and wise. When you get up early in the morning you have ample time to get into a positive activity through which you can enhance your health and agility along with the longevity of life.
The healthiest activity which we can get into early in the morning is a walk. Yes, a morning walk, which can make us feel better and will keep us fresh all the day. Walk is a kind of workout which can be carried out by people of any age, gender and physique. If it is so then why walk in the morning is better only? Well walking at anytime is better but walking in the morning is always graded as best.
The reason is the freshness which a morning carries. Pollution of the whole day, the smoke of the vehicles, the noises settle down over a night and the early morning is absolute fresh to undertake any physical activity of the kind. The air is fresh, the environments are fresh, and the trees, plants, and herbs and shrubs everything is fresh in the morning.
morning exerciseExposing yourself to the freshness of the morning while walking around in a park with fresh trees and plants will fill your lungs with fresh air thus giving healthy life to your blood cells through your breath. This in turn gives suppleness to your body which will last for the whole day. Morning walk is an activity which stretches your mind and soul both and ultimately creates a rhythmic coordination of soul and the mind.
Walking in the morning when there is no noise around will make you listen to your own feelings, your own pulse ticking and the silence of the tree and plant leaves around you. I do not intend getting into any technical details instead I will just give you a simple account of as to how can we improve our health by walking early in the morning. Walking in the freshness of morning gives extra energy to your body and mind, your heart and soul and your flesh and blood.
Article source : improve health with morning walk


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