Friday, March 16, 2012

Cute Talk

Cute is the new glamour! It's gaining an ever-bigger place in our society, and lots of young people now are trying to be more adorable than ever. But how to match your voice with your sweet appearance without sounding fake and irritating?

Practise a cute voice in a place where nobody will hear you. You might like to take cues from adorably-spoken celebrities such as the Taiwanese singer Yao Yao or Lolita celebrity model Misako Aoki. Try to make your voice softer and sweeter, and if you would like, then perhaps a little higher.
Try not to swear. Swearing has its time and place, and if you trip over and hit your head hard then nobody will blame you for a few annoyed expletives, but on the whole it sounds more innocent and sweet to avoid them.
Smile! Your voice will project much better if you smile, and clearly-pronounced words are much cuter than drawled little mumbles. Not to mention, you'll look so much better and more approachable!
Don't be afraid to use slight archaisms now and then. Don't walk around saying 'thee' and 'thou', and do make them culture-appropriate - if you're an American, for instance, saying things like 'Jolly good!' could make people think of you as a poser - but proper little phrases like 'Ought to' or 'Wonderful!' are sweet when used sparingly, and they add shades of meaning to your words that 'Cool!' will never manage.
Be nice. If your really sweet and kind the everyone it will rub off on your voice and the way people think about you.
Article source : how to talk in cute


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