Thursday, March 8, 2012

How To Be An Attractive?

Have you ever noticed how ugly some people are?

Seriously. Feral. Completely unattractive. Repulsive, even. Stinky, stanky, skanky. Yuck.
Now before you all recoil in shock, horror, and disgust at my new level of political incorrectness, I best mention I'm not talking about anyone's looks or appearance here, but rather their behaviour, disposition, attitude, language, and their habits. Some people (even some of the 'beautiful people' - that subject is a whole article by itself) repel rather than attract.

While it may seem ironic that the aesthetically-challenged, forty-three year old, ex-fat kid should give advice on improving one's attractiveness, keep in mind I'm not talking about How to be a Hottie 101. That’s next week, and I won't be writing it. No, this article is actually about learning to become one of those people that others want to hang around, be with, talk to, and get to know.
Some people are attractive. That is, they attract. Guys, girls, old, young - people just enjoy being around them. There's something about them that's appealing and magnetic. People want to get to know them. They're funny, engaging, and charismatic. They're likable and they smell good.
Do you want to be attractive?

1. Listen to people and be genuinely interested. This doesn't mean simulated interest and manufactured head nodding. This takes real time, energy, and effort. If you want people to be drawn to you, you need to be all about them, not you. Talk to them, not at them. Have conversations. Don't give lectures. Some people are ugly because the only voice they enjoy the sound of is their own and the only opinion that matters is theirs.

2. Get in shape. We know attractiveness is largely not about the physical, but if you genuinely want to attract, then being in shape ain't gonna hurt. Not Mr Universe or Miss World - just fit and healthy. Being in shape also helps us emotionally and psychologically, which in turn makes us more attractive! Clever, that.

3. Attend to your personal grooming and hygiene. This is my last comment on the physical, but it's necessary. If we've got breath like a buffalo and armpits like a yak, it doesn't matter if we look like Angelina or Brad. We're attracting nobody! For goodness sakes, how can some people not smell themselves? I regularly talk to people who stink (and not just 'cause I own gyms), and everyone knows except them. When I'm chatting to someone with stinky breath (have you got a dead marsupial in your mouth?), I can't concentrate. I can't think about anything except the smell. It distracts me.

Water, soap, shampoo, toothpaste - all cheap and easily accessible resources. Give 'em a go.

4. Be an optimist. This doesn't mean don't be practical and don't be a realist, but nobody wants to hang out with Mr (or Mrs) woe-is-me-my-life's-so-hard. Hey, I care about global warming, but I don't want to have a three hour conversation with you about why the world is ending next week and who's fault it is. Yes we live in a nasty, dysfunctional, scary world, but what if we decided that it's actually an amazing, exciting, incredible place with infinite opportunities for those who dare to be different? What if we decided to see the good rather than searched for and focused on the bad? Now that is attractive.

5. Have fun with people. Remember fun, laughter - laughing so hard you thought you'd be sick or die from lack of oxygen? Those were the days. Remember when fart jokes were funny - before we got all mature, politically correct, precious, and easily offended? People who laugh and have fun are cool to be around.

6. Don't lose your temper. Bad tempered people are ugly. They repel, not attract. This doesn't mean don't get angry. Anger has a place, but out-of-control, ranting, raving, unreasonable idiots need a (loving) slap. I'll do it! If you have anger management issues, address them. Or if you need me to slap you...

7. Perform random acts of kindness. Generous, selfless, thoughtful, kind people are the most attractive. No agenda, no crap - just kindness.

8. Get Spiritual. This is not to be confused with get weird and freaky. This suggestion definitely needs a disclaimer. Getting spiritual (whatever that means for you) can make you more attractive - or not. If your spiritual journey results in you being more centered, balanced, calmer, more insightful and happier - well then that's cool.

Conversely, if it means you end up being some weirdo, fanatical, super-religious, zealot living in a subterranean bunker surviving on canned food and crawling out of your hole at night to communicate telepathically with your brothers from another galaxy - maybe not so cool! If it means hurting or hating someone who has different spiritual beliefs to you, not cool - at all.

9. Be confident. This is not to be confused with being arrogant. Quiet confidence is attractive.

10. Be humble. Definitely one of the most universally attractive and desirable qualities, humility is a decision, an attitude, and a philosophy. It is a way of living, being, and communicating. It's attractive.

Article source : ten ways to be more attractive 


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