Saturday, March 10, 2012

Crying Baby.

Babies cry for a lot of very good reasons. As you get to know your baby, you will begin to recognise that they have different cries for different needs: the "I'm hungry" cry will differ from the "I'm frightened" cry.
During the first few months, you should go to your baby immediately when they cry. You can't spoil a young baby, and if you answer their cries for help, they won't cry as often overall.
Most of the time, you will know why your baby is crying. Once you change their nappy, feed them, burp them, or warm them up, they'll probably stop crying. If none of these measures stop their crying, try some of the following:
  • Rocking, either in a rocking chair or in your arms
  • Rubbing their back
  • Wrapping them in a light blanket
  • Singing, talking, turning on the radio or TV
  • Walking them in your arms, the stroller, or a carriage
  • Riding them in a car or pushing them gently in a swing
  • Providing a mobile to watch
  • Giving them a warm bath
  • Rhythmic noise and vibration
If none of this works your baby may be sick. If you suspect that your baby is not well, check their temperature and contact your doctor.
Occasionally, your baby will make a noise while they sleep, and disturbing them will wake them up. If your baby is truly tired, the crying will not last long.

Article source : Crying


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