Monday, March 19, 2012

What is The Pigmentation?

Skin treatment, spots on the face, acne, skin damage from sun rays, wrinkles, pigmentation, rashes, hyper pigmentation, skin discolouration etc. All these words and phrases haunt most of us.
Patchy pigmentation on the face is a common and noticeable problem, especially for women. The critical issue is to diagnosis whether those are patches of darker pigmentation, or it’s normal skin colour which seems to look darker by vitiligo in the surrounding skin area.
Pigmentation called Melanin appears as brown patches on the face. This pigmentation is usually symmetrical. It reflects on both sides of the face. The most common areas affected are the bridge of the nose, upper lip or area around the lips, forehead and the cheekbones.
Melasma is commonly found among woman suffering from hormonal disorders, like Poly cystic ovarian disease, thyroid, pre menopause or menopause. Those who take oral Contraceptives, also develops melasma. Too much exposure to sun can also lead to this problem as we all know sunlight tans the skin and leaves it dark.
Men too suffer from pigmentation, It trigger due to stress or diabetes. Few men have a family history of this problem and cannot escape it. Pigmentation may also increase with the exposure to sun rays .
The Melasma may be treated by:-
· A bleaching cream which contain Hydroquinone with Tretinoin cream, this helps to fade the Melasma pigmentation.(apply until the pigmentation fades away).
· Laser treatment helps to erase the skin discoloration.
· Avoid exposure to the sun rays for a longer length of time.
· Use sunscreen lotions daily with SPF-30.
· Use mild soap or mild cleanser as a face wash.
· Fruit cream contains lactic acid, and Glycolic acid, these could be used directly to do facial to nourish the skin and remove pigmentation.
· Temporarily you can Camouflage pigmentation with cosmetics.
· Apply castor oil once daily before bath for 30 minutes and wash your face with mild soap
· Stop the use of creams, lotions or a facial cleanser which irritates the skin or you get allergy.
· Apply a face pack of Multani meetti (yellow mud) with rose water.
· Extract of aloe Vera also helps if applied regularly.
· ) Have plenty of water to remove the toxins from your body and have glowing skin.
· Wash your face with plain water or rose water and let it air dry.
· Rub raw papaya juice or ripe papaya pulp on the skin, it helps to lighten the dark patches on your face .
· Rubbing a slice of lime lighten the pigmentation of the face, arms and legs.
This pigmentation is extremely stubborn in nature and are really hard to get rid of but not impossible. Sticking to some home remedies for a long time really helps.

Article source : tips to remove pigmentation 


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