Saturday, March 3, 2012

How to care your nails??

Did you ever wonder if you're doing all that you can to have beautiful healthy nails, whether they are natural or enhancements?

Your nails are an extension of your personality for some, a fashion statement for others.  And then for the rest, the only requirement is that they be neat and trim.  No matter what kind of nails you have or want to have, be they natural or enhanced; you'll find below information on how to care for them and to ensure their natural health.

Nail enhancements have become as commonplace as permed or color-treated hair.  You see them in all walks of life.  From the cashier at your grocery store, to your Investment Advisor. Men and women alike get nail enhancements.  From the very subtle overlay to protect natural nails, to the more creative art nails that may be long, colorful and accessorized with nail jewelry. 

There are many different types of nail enhancements on the market.  They all require care to ensure the durability and quality of that product.
You should protect your enhancements just as you would protect any other investment, and care for them as you would for your own skin.

The following is a care guide for the nail enhancements and natural nails.  Please note that some of these suggestions, which are often common sense, apply not only to your enhancements; but also to your own skin, and hair.

Tools:  Repetitive or severe pressure on the nail extension will lead to cracks that result in breaks. Treat your nails as jewels, not tools!     The use of 'tools' to help you perform your daily routines will help to insure against breakage.  Use an opener/key/spoon to open soda cans  Use the side of your hand or finger to open car or refrigerator doors, and never reach for anything with your fingertips as the nail extensions will reach the object first. 

Length:  Nails that are too long for your lifestyle and activity level (repetitive downward tip pressure) result in service breakdown and breaks.. If your nails become too long between appointments, shorten the length with the 240-grit file.  NEVER cut them, as this will crack the enhancement.

Filing:  Properly applied product will shrink when cured and create an airtight seal. Mechanical forcing of product through extreme pressure, picking or nipping rough edges will result in lifting. Use a 240- grit file to remove rough edges or blend any lifting into the natural nail plate. Holding the file flat to the area of lift, gently file in the direction of the lifted material until the area of lift is removed. Do not over-file! Over-filing removes vital nail plate layers and will weaken the natural nail foundation.  For filing the free edge of the natural nail, the same applies. Do not use a coarser file than 240-grit file(the lower the number, the coarser the grit).

Nail Polish:  When changing polish between maintenance appointments, remove polish with Acetone-FREE  polish remover and a lint free cotton or gauze wipe.  After the enamel has been removed, wash hands and scrub nails with a soft toothbrush or nail brush.

Pseudomonas Bacterium:  Greenies (often mistaken and missnamed as mold – mold is not a human pathogen) are caused by air-borne spores (pseudomonas bacterium) that have become trapped between the overlay and the nail plate layers OR between the nail plate and nail bed. These spores require food to eat and moisture to grow. The natural nail plate layers contain contaminates along with the natural oil and moisture. Should any lifting occur between visits, buff away the area of lift. Do not attempt to glue the area of lift. Most instant glues are not moisture resistant. Instant glue also sets-up the instant it is exposed to air. The glue cannot ‘re-seal’ lifted material and may incorporate air-borne bacteria or spores into the area of lift. The bacteria or spores will be trapped between the nail plate and the overlay, utilizing the natural nail contaminates as food and the moisture to grow. The results are a greenish to brownish stain on the nail plate which is a by-product of the infection. Should any area of lift be too large to remove by filing, or visible discoloration is present, please call for a nail repair appointment.

Personal Files:  To prevent the spread of communicable or infectious disease, never share your files or implements with others, whether at home or in the salon.    Your personal implements can be purchased through several different outlets:  An 'over-the-counter' beauty supply, drug or department stores or from your salon.  If your technician does not: supply individual files for individual clients, use disposables, or use a sanitizer AND disinfectant on the implements, ask to purchase these files and keep them in a clean, dry storage container between uses.  Sanitize & disinfect files and implements after every use in an approved sanitizing & disinfectant solutions, rinse well, dry and store in the container.
Gloves:  Wear gloves when performing household chores, working in the garden or whenever you use cleaning solutions of any kind.    Most household cleaning solutions contain chemicals that will affect the overlay and result in service breakdown.  Limit exposure to very hot water other than when bathing.  Some household pest sprays contain a chemical that may actually melt the surface of the overlay and compromise the integrity of the product.  A good rule of thumb to follow: if it is not something you would put directly on your face, then your hands should not be exposed to it neither.

Cuticle Oil:  For natural nails, UV Gel nails & Acrylic nails; be sure to use cuticle oil daily on your cuticles and the enhancements themselves.  (I advise at least 2x a day for most people)  The daily use of cuticle oil will maintain the flexibility of the enhancement and prevent it from over drying and becoming brittle.  Brittle enhancements are prone to cracking, lifting and are more difficult to file/buff at maintenance appointments.  The investment in daily use of a cuticle oil will save you time and money in terms of how often you will require refills and and how much work will need to be done at each maintenance appointment.  Cuticle oils are also beneficial for natural nails preventing them from over drying as well, from exposure to hot water and/or housecleaning products and other chemicals.

Source nail care


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